Nearly all components of your computer get hot when it is turned on. Your computer can be seriously damaged if it is constantly exposed to high temperatures.

Here are some ways to keep your computer cool.

Make sure to check if your fans run.

If your computer is overheating, this is the first thing you should do. Check that all fans are still functioning by opening the case. You can repair or replace any of the fans if at least one of them isn’t working.

Clean your computer regularly.

It is important to clean your computer regularly, particularly the cooling fans. Active cooling is provided by the fans located inside the computer case. These fans can become clogged over time with dirt and dust. Fans can become clogged up with dirt and dust, which can cause them to stop working. Fans that fail to remove hot air quickly enough can cause internal heat problems.

Clean your cooling fan

1. Your PC should be turned off.

2. The computer case can be opened.

3. Remove the fan if there is too much dirt in the computer case.

4. For cleaning fans, you can use compressed air or a small electronic vacuum, duster or damp cloth.

5. Use moisten cloth to dry the cooling fan.

Other computer parts such as the keyboard, mouse, and monitor should also be cleaned.

Make sure your computer is off before you clean any hardware components. Your computer could be subject to electrostatic discharge, which can cause damage to its components and lead to you grounding.

If the manufacturer has provided instructions for cleaning hardware, you should consult that manual before cleaning it.

Avoid spraying liquids directly on computer parts.

Limit the airflow around your computer.

Your computer should be placed in an area that allows for sufficient airflow. It should not be placed right next to any objects that block air circulation such as walls or computers. On both sides, there should be space of at least 2 to 3 inches. This is because most of the hot, circulating air from the computer case’s back comes out of the vent. It should be clear and unobstructed.

You can move your computer to a cleaner and cooler environment.

Place your computer in an area with adequate ventilation. It is vital that your physical location does not add heat to the computer. It is important that you do not place your computer near any heat-transfer or hot air sources such as a refrigerator, stove, or oven.

It is a good idea to keep your computer cool in an area with air conditioning.

Be careful when moving your computer to prevent damage to sensitive components such as the motherboard, graphics card, CPU and hard drive.

Close the case on your computer.

To keep the computer cooler, it seems sensible to leave the case open. It is true. But, dust and dirt can build up and clog your computer’s fans quicker if the case is open. The fans can become clogged faster and cause your computer to cool down.

Your CPU fan should be upgraded

The most important component of a computer is its CPU. The CPU and graphics cards produce more heat when you run demanding applications. It can heat up to the point that it can be boiled.

You might consider buying a larger, more powerful CPU fan to lower the CPU temperature than the one that came with your computer.

Install a fan that is specific to your component.

Install a fan for each component if you notice that they are heating up.

Install a case fan.

The small fan can be attached to the back or front of the computer case. There are two types: one that draws cooler air into the computer case and one that expels warm air out of the case. Both are great ways to cool your computer.

When you are not using your computer, turn it off.

Even if the computer isn’t being used, it will continue to generate heat. Even if you have only a few minutes of inactivity during the day, it is worth setting your computer to hibernation. It will turn off your computer, but all opened files and programs are still stored on your hard drive.

Unplug any external hardware that you no longer need, such as scanners or printers.

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